
The Holiday Blues: How to cope

There is nothing more joyous than spending time with family and friends during the holiday season. But unwelcome guests — stress and depression, can cause the holiday blues. This time of year can be lonely for those who are unable to see their family or friends. But, even when you are with people you love, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve can be challenging. We are always busy with the pursuit of perfect gifts, travel arrangements, never-ending parties, and obligations […]

By |2022-12-31T03:16:34-05:00December 10th, 2021|holiday blues, mental health|0 Comments

Beyond The Pandemic: How Telehealth Helps Patients With Limited Mobility

Telehealth allows patients to have conversations with healthcare professionals remotely via telecommunication technologies like video chatting. Healthcare professionals, from physicians to psychologists, are able to deliver clinical or non-clinical health services without an in-person visit.

As an emerging platform that has become crucial during the pandemic, telehealth offers several benefits to patients. One group, people with limited mobility, will benefit from its use even when the world returns back to normal.

Getting Services: The Problems People With Limited […]

By |2024-03-01T00:49:12-05:00January 15th, 2021|Behavioral Health Services|0 Comments

Finding Help for Substance Abuse Disorder during COVID-19

We can all agree that the year 2020 has been a rollercoaster no matter which corner of the world you’re from. It can be even harder for those who suffer from a mental illness. However, help is still out there for those who are dealing with mental illnesses, such as substance abuse disorder.

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