How much online shopping is too much— when it gets to a point that it becomes an addiction?  Studies show that 96% of Americans shop online, and 82% use a mobile device to do so.  Compulsive shopping is often associated with the term BSD “buying-shopping disorder” and although it is not recognized as a stand-alone diagnosis, it is still identified by mental and behavioral health specialists.  

Online shopping rapidly gained its popularity when consumers found the convenience of not having to leave their house, and avoiding social interactions.  Nowadays, with a click of a button anyone can order basically anything online.  In this article MedEZ highlights signs of shopping addictions and what you can do to help yourself.

Online shopping becomes an addiction when an individual allows it to affect their relationships, financial situation and work.  If you find yourself constantly having an urge to make purchases of things just for the sake of buying, you might want to start making changes to these bad habits and seek help.


How can you tell if you may need help?

Do not ignore the signs, if you need help, you should identify if the following scenarios pertain to you.

  • Instant sense of gratification.
  • Feeling of guilt.
  • Hiding things purchased from people.
  • Rising credit card debt.


Perhaps a cure?

There are many ways to overcome your shopping addiction. MedEZ advises you to seek medical attention if you still suffer from severe depression, anxiety and any mental disorder when you are trying to cure your addiction. Here are a few ways you can help yourself or those you know who may have an online shopping addiction.

    • De-clutter– Research shows that you are more likely to make a purchase when sitting in an unorganized room.  De-cluttering your living space will also allow you to see what you may already own, and not need to order again.
    • Unsave Credit Cards– Most online check-out platforms are designed to automatically save your credit card information for an easier check-out experience next time.  Unsaving your credit card will help discourage you from entering your information all over again.  Afterall, as mentioned, it may only take one click to make a purchase, so this may help your online shopping habits
    • Block the Sites- If you find that your online shopping purchases are repetitively made in the same sites, you may want to block the sites.  This way you will be able to avoid compulsive spending habits.     

You may think that being home allows you to save, but recognizing the signs of shopping addiction can be as simple as checking your expenses.  Although some say compulsive shopping is used as a coping mechanism, you might want to identify your excessive spending habits before it’s too late.  Read the MedEZ blog 4 Signs of When to Seek Mental Health to learn more on causes of mental disorders that may trigger shopping addictions.


Prepared by Arielle C. Baril for