Home/Healthcare Industry

Key Differences Between EHR and EMR

The terms “EHR” and “EMR” are often heard in medical practices, but most people aren’t aware of their differences. Our company MedEZ™, as an EHR provider, frequently sees these terms used interchangeably and wanted to explain how they differ in the medical field.

There will always be an industry’s own vernacular, with terms that are used inside that are difficult for outsiders to understand but necessary for players to understand. In addition to categorizing professionals from non-experts, Jargon saves people time […]

Coping With Stress As A Healthcare Worker

After more than a year of being in the frontlines of the pandemic, healthcare workers have had to deal with strong emotions — such as stress and anxiety. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emphasizes the need for healthcare workers to recognize what stress looks like and take adequate steps to cope with it.

How The Pandemic Added To The Industry’s Stress

Stress from traumatic events impacts each […]

By |2024-03-01T01:49:21-05:00June 3rd, 2021|health, Healthcare Industry, mental health|1 Comment

Finding Help for Substance Abuse Disorder during COVID-19

We can all agree that the year 2020 has been a rollercoaster no matter which corner of the world you’re from. It can be even harder for those who suffer from a mental illness. However, help is still out there for those who are dealing with mental illnesses, such as substance abuse disorder.

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