
How Telemedicine Software Can Help Psychiatrists

Telemedicine is the method of providing health care using technology at a distance, most commonly via calls or video. Telepsychiatry, which is a subset of telemedicine, can also include mental examinations, counseling (individual, group, and family therapy), patient engagement, and medication management, among other things.

Important Features of Telehealth Software for Psychiatrists

  • HIPAA Compliance and Security

Choosing a telehealth system that is HIPAA compliant is especially important because video visits are unique in healthcare. In response to the pandemic, some restrictions […]

By |2022-12-31T03:15:51-05:00March 14th, 2022|EHR, MedEZ Modules, Telehealth|1 Comment

Stress: 5 Tips to Cope

It’s natural to feel stressed from time to time, but how do you define stress? What effect does it have on our overall health? What can we do to better understand how to deal with it? When we are under stress, our bodies react in a certain way. A major challenge or threat causes chemicals and hormones to surge throughout your body. We instinctively respond like this in the face of danger, and it’s why our ancestors overcame occasional dangers.

What […]

By |2022-12-31T03:16:07-05:00February 4th, 2022|behavioral health, mental health|1 Comment

The Benefits of Online Scheduling in Healthcare

The implementation of Covid19 restrictions has once again resulted in long lines at medical facilities and many calls being on hold. In today’s healthcare industry, physicians are faced with increasing workloads, which is why having a patient online scheduling system can provide some relief. In a world dominated by technology, healthcare providers are expected to deliver easy and convenient facilities along with top-quality care.

What is an appointment scheduling solution?

A patient can book or request an appointment online using a […]

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